The holiday season is here! Like many people out there, some Medicare members are readying their bags to travel and enjoy the vacation at some remote, exotic location.
Wherever you go, you must keep health considerations in mind. Of course, worrying about health concerns is a bit distracting when you’re supposed to be on vacation and having fun.
However, you should remember that it can be difficult to navigate your healthcare options when you’re away from home. Here are some holiday tips for you to stay healthy as a Medicare beneficiary:

Use virtual care
Seeing as you're away from home - away from your doctor, it might be more difficult to access adequate healthcare services. Waiting times can take a long while if it's an urgent situation. However, smaller, non-life-threatening cases like sinus infections and fevers can be handled virtually.
For Medicare members, 911 and ER services are available around the clock and can be accessed via your insurance company or primary care service provider. Also, virtual care is quite cost-effective.
Check out your travel benefits
Note that Medicare doesn’t cover healthcare for non-US travel, with a handful of exceptions. For instance, Medicare could cover services within territorial waters adjoining US land areas. However, the coverage ceases when you’re 6 hours away from a US port.
Also, Medicare could cover ambulance services and inpatient hospitals in foreign countries on the following conditions:
That the emergency began when you were on US soil, and the closest appropriate hospital is foreign-based.
You reside in the US, but the most appropriate hospital for your condition is closer without rather than within US boundaries.
Use travel assistance
Several health plans provide travel assistance to Medicare members. This will help you to save costs on travel assistance and medical coverage.
The coverage includes long-distance travels of up to 100 miles away from home and includes:
Access to medical emergency services, e.g., prescription assistance and medical evacuation.
Travel emergency services
Pre-trip planning services
Use preventive care
The last thing you want to have to deal with while you’re away on travels is to deal with emergency health conditions. Although no one can foresee all ends, it doesn’t hurt to take preventive steps to reduce your chances of being faced with such difficulty.
Check your Medicare plan to ensure that you’ve gotten preventive care before setting out on your trip. If you have flu shots due, don’t procrastinate getting them. Also, ensure you’ve been vaccinated against the COVID-19 virus before traveling.
Plan ahead
The best way to be prepared for potential emergencies is to plan ahead. Stock up on any required medication, pain relievers, and other drugs before you travel, and pack them all up in your bags. Ensure that the medication is within easy reach, too!

The best way to protect yourself ahead is to get insurance coverage. Contact us to get the right coverage that suits your health needs and budget.